Greenbug All Natural Pest Control
Greenbug, Inc. produces pest control products and solutions that are effective alternatives to harsh, chemical pesticides.

What Pest Do You Have?
What's your bug? Find the best Greenbug solution for whatever is 'bugging' you.

Learn About Greenbug Products
More details about each of Greenbug's Cedar-based products and how to best control pests.

Greenbug System
The Greenbug System offers automatic pest control through your irrigation system.
Everywhere water is directed is pest free.
The Greenbug System uses an active ingredient of cedar – just like cedar chests and closets where you never see a bug. You don’t see pests because cedar controls pests. But cedar is fine for humans, animals, the environment and beneficial creatures like honey bees and butterflies.
The Greenbug System delivers like an I.V. drip into your irrigation lines. Everywhere water is directed will have pest control.
Your regular irrigation will run the same with only water to nourish your landscape. At a different time, the Greenbug Program runs for 2 minutes a zone a day to solve pest control.